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high energy nanocomposites

Designing polymer nanocomposites with high energy density

2021年7月16日  Addressing microstructure-property relations of polymer nanocomposites is vital for designing advanced dielectrics for electrostatic energy storage. Here, we develop an


High-temperature capacitive energy storage in polymer

2024年8月6日  The nanolaminate, consisting of nanoconfined polyetherimide (PEI) polymer sandwiched between solid Al 2 O 3 layers, exhibits a high energy density of 18.9 J/cm 3 with


Polymer nanocomposite dielectrics for capacitive energy storage

2024年1月3日  Owing to their excellent discharged energy density over a broad temperature range, polymer nanocomposites offer immense potential as dielectric materials in advanced


High-temperature polymer-based nanocomposites for high

2023年10月3日  At room temperature, incorporating a small fraction of 0.5 vol% AO nanoparticles gives rise to a highest discharged energy density (Ue) of 5.57 Jcm −3 and


High-Temperature High-Energy-Density Dielectric

2021年6月9日  High-energy-density polymer dielectrics capable of high temperature operation are highly demanded in advanced electronics and power systems. Here, the polyetherimide (PEI) composites filled with the core–shell


Shape memory nanocomposite fibers for untethered

2019年7月12日  We show that torsionally stiffened shape memory nanocomposite fibers can be transformed upon insertion of twist to store and provide fast and high-energy rotations. The twisted shape memory


High-Energy-Density Ferroelectric Polymer Nanocomposites for

2019年10月1日  Ferroelectric poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and its copolymers have been intensively studied as the matrices because of their high intrinsic dielectric constant and


High-Energy-Density Ferroelectric Polymer Nanocomposites for

2019年10月1日  Emerging dielectric composites consisting of polymer and ceramic nano-inclusions or several polymers facilitate the development of capacitive energy storage


High Energy Storage Performance of PMMA Nanocomposites

2021年6月3日  These findings are significant in facilitating the development of high-performance film dielectric capacitor materials using PMMA-based nanocomposites toward high energy


High Energy Density Nanocomposites Based on Surface

2009年8月5日  Increasing the Energy Efficiency and Breakdown Strength of High-Energy-Density Polymer Nanocomposites by Engineering the Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 Nanowire Surface via Reversible Addition–Fragmentation Chain Transfer Polymerization. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2015, 119 ...


New Route Toward High-Energy-Density Nanocomposites Based

2010年8月23日  The synthesis and characterization of novel ferroelectric polymer based nanocomposites with high energy density is described. The approach includes the preparation of the ferroelectric polymers with phosphonic acid end-groups and subsequent utilization of the reactive terminal groups of the polymer for direct coupling with oxide fillers. The prepared


High energy storage performance of triple-layered nanocomposites

2023年11月1日  @article{Zhao2023HighES, title={High energy storage performance of triple-layered nanocomposites with aligned conductive nanofillers over a broad electric field range}, author={Fengwan Zhao and Jie Zhang and Hongmiao Tian and Chengping Lv and Hechuan Ma and Yongyi Li and Xiaoming Chen and Jinyou Shao}, journal={Energy Storage Materials}, year ...


Interface-modulated nanocomposites based on polypropylene for high ...

2020年6月1日  High-temperature energy storage properties including the charge-discharge efficiency, discharged energy density and cyclic stability of the PP-mah-MgO/PP nanocomposites are substantially improved in comparison to the pristine PP. Outstandingly, the PP-mah-MgO/PP nanocomposites can operate efficiently and deliver high energy density


Designing polymer nanocomposites with high energy density

2021年7月16日  Addressing microstructure-property relations of polymer nanocomposites is vital for designing advanced dielectrics for electrostatic energy storage. Here, we develop an integrated phase-field ...


High-throughput data-driven interface design of high-energy

1 High-throughput Data-driven Interface Design of High-Energy-Density Polymer Nanocomposites Zhong-Hui Shen1,*, Yang Shen 2, Xiao-Xing Cheng3, Han-Xing Liu1, Long-Qing Chen3, Ce-Wen Nan 2 1 State ...


Nonpolar sub-10 nm TiO2 nanocrystal for high energy density ...

2024年3月1日  The resultant PP nanocomposites exhibit a high discharged energy density of 4.19 J cm −3 at 600 MV m −1, representing a remarkable 74.9% increase compared to that of the pure PP films. This work provides a brand-new strategy for constructing homogeneous PP nanocomposite dielectrics by incorporating nonpolar sub-10 nm sized TiO 2 nanoparticles as


High energy density nanocomposites with layered gradient

2022年12月1日  Request PDF High energy density nanocomposites with layered gradient structure and lysozyme-modified Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 nanoparticles Polymer nanocomposites with high-dielectric-constant ceramic ...


Polymer nanocomposites with high energy storage densities

2015年9月4日  progress toward polymer nanocomposites with high energy densities based on two appr oaches: core–shell-structured polymer nanocomposites and dielectric anisotropy. In addition, the .


High energy density nanocomposites based on surface-modified

2009年9月22日  The dielectric permittivity and electric breakdown strength of nanocomposites comprising poly ... High energy density nanocomposites based on surface-modified BaTiO(3) and a ferroelectric polymer ACS Nano. 2009 Sep 22;3(9):2581-92. doi: 10.1021/nn9006412.


Suppressed polarization by epitaxial growth of SrTiO3 on

The nanocomposite containing 1 vol% BaTiO 3 @SrTiO 3 nanoparticles achieved a discharged energy density of 13.89 J cm −3 and an energy efficiency of 63% at 494.7 kV mm −1, which are superior to 9.96 J cm −3 and 50% of BaTiO 3 /P(VDF-HFP) nanocomposites with the same loading, respectively, and its discharged energy density is 69% higher than 8.2 J cm −3 of the


Flexible high-temperature dielectric materials from polymer nanocomposites

2015年7月29日  The nanocomposites have outstanding high-voltage capacitive energy storage capabilities at record temperatures (a Weibull breakdown strength of 403 megavolts per metre and a discharged energy ...


High Energy Storage Performance of PMMA Nanocomposites

2021年6月3日  In consequence, discharge energy density increased from 3.2 J/cm³ for the pure ABS film to 4.5 J/cm³ for the 0.5 vol%[email protected]/ABS nanocomposites. Meantime, a high energy efficiency of ...


High-Energy-Density Ferroelectric Polymer Nanocomposites for Capacitive ...

2019年10月1日  To achieve the concomitant enhancement of ε r and E b, introducing ceramic nanometric fillers with high dielectric constant into polymer matrices with high breakdown strength [11] seems to be a promising approach and has been intensively explored.Based on published works in the field of energy storage dielectrics, we illustrate the dielectric constants;


High-Strength, Healable, Supramolecular Polymer Nanocomposites ...

2012年3月9日  A supramolecular polymer blend, formed via π–π interactions between a π-electron rich pyrenyl end-capped oligomer and a chain-folding oligomer containing pairs of π-electron poor naphthalene-diimide (NDI) units, has been reinforced with cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) to afford a healable nanocomposite material. Nanocomposites with varying weight


High-temperature capacitive energy storage in polymer nanocomposites

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-51052-y Corpus ID: 271742309; High-temperature capacitive energy storage in polymer nanocomposites through nanoconfinement @article{Li2024HightemperatureCE, title={High-temperature capacitive energy storage in polymer nanocomposites through nanoconfinement}, author={Xinhui Li and Bo Liu and Jian


High‐Energy‐Density Dielectric Polymer Nanocomposites with ...

The development of advanced dielectric materials with high electric energy densities is of crucial importance in modern electronics and electric power systems. Here, a new class of multilayer-structured polymer nanocomposites with high energy and power densities is presented.


High energy density and discharge efficiency polypropylene ...

DOI: 10.1016/j.ensm.2019.12.006 Corpus ID: 214139302; High energy density and discharge efficiency polypropylene nanocomposites for potential high-power capacitor @article{Biao2020HighED, title={High energy density and discharge efficiency polypropylene nanocomposites for potential high-power capacitor}, author={Liu Biao and Minhao Yang and


High-Energy-Density Polymer Nanocomposites Composed of

2017年2月1日  A finite element simulation of the electric-field and electric current density distribution revealed that the novel-structured 1D BT@AO-DA NFs significantly improved the dielectric performance of the nanocomposites. The large extractable energy density and high dielectric breakdown strength suggest the potential applications of the BT@AO-DA NFs ...


Pre-deformation assisted fabrication of bulk Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe ...

2024年9月1日  In this work, we report an approach that combines low-temperature pre-deformation of amorphous alloys with thermal annealing to fabricate bulk Nd 2 Fe 14 B/α-Fe nanocomposite magnets with tailored nano-scale features, without metastable phases. The resulting bulk Nd 2 Fe 14 B/α-Fe nanocomposite exhibits a high energy density of 26.3

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