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application of data mining in education

[PDF] Data mining in education - Semantic Scholar

Applying data mining (DM) in education is an emerging interdisciplinary research field also known as educational data mining (EDM). It is concerned with developing methods for exploring the unique types of data that come from educational environments.


Educational Data Mining: A Foundational Overview - MDPI

13 小时之前  Educational data mining (EDM) is a novel scientific area that focuses on developing and applying methods to analyze datasets generated within educational settings.


Data mining techniques applied in educational environments:

Educational Data Mining is an emerging discipline which seeks to develop methods to explore large amounts of data from educational settings, in order to understand students’


Educational Data Mining: A Systematic Review on the Applications

EDM exploits Data Mining (DM) techniques such as Clustering, Regression to analyze data and make predictions that help answer questions in education. Meanwhile, Deep Learning (DL) is


Educational Data Mining: Applications and Trends

Provides an updated view of the application of Data Mining to the educational arena; Copes two key targets: applications and trends; Focuses on the Data Mining logistics: models, tasks, methods, algorithms


Educational data mining and learning analytics for 21st century

2019年4月1日  Our review of the literature on EDM and LA for prediction related problems found that the application of data mining (EDM and LA) in higher education has the potential to


Educational data mining applications and tasks: A survey of the

2017年7月3日  Educational Data Mining (EDM) is the field of using data mining techniques in educational environments. Currently there are many computer-based learning systems which


Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics SpringerLink

13 小时之前  These summaries cover a diverse range of topics, including the application of augmented intelligence in EDM, data mining techniques for instructional design and online


Educational Data mining and Learning Analytics: An updated survey

• Educational Data Mining (EDM) is concerned with developing methods for exploring the unique types of data that come from educational environments (Bakhshinategh et al. 2018). It can


Data mining in education Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data

2013年1月1日  Applying data mining DM in education is an emerging interdisciplinary research field also known as educational data mining EDM. It is concerned with developing methods for


Data mining in education - Romero - 2013 - WIREs Data Mining

2012年12月14日  Applying data mining (DM) in education is an emerging interdisciplinary research field also known as educational data mining (EDM). It is concerned with developing methods for exploring the unique types of data that come from educational environments.


Applications of Data Mining - GeeksforGeeks

2021年7月4日  Data Mining: Data mining in general terms means mining or digging deep into data that is in different forms to gain patterns, and to gain knowledge on that pattern. In the process of data mining, large data sets are


Application of data mining technology in college

2022年8月1日  In order to improve education and teaching methods and meet the “heart” needs of college students in the era of big data, this paper analyzes the application of data mining technology in ...


The Research Trend of Big Data in Education and the Impact of

2021年10月26日  More specifically, the authors identified the scientific shift from data mining application to data privacy and educational psychology ... E-Learning, Learning Management Systems, etc., focused on the research of data mining and application in education. The green cluster (cluster 2, 30 items) included the keywords such as ...


Data mining in education Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining ...

2013年1月1日  Applying data mining DM in education is an emerging interdisciplinary research field also known as educational data mining EDM. ... lt;labelgt;3lt;/labelgt; Bala M, Ojha DB. Study of applications of data mining techniques in education. International J Res Sci Technol 2012, Volume 1: pp.1-10.


Applications of Educational Data Mining and Learning

Applications of Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics Tools in Handling Big Data in Higher Education . Santosh Ray. 1. and Mohammed Saeed. 1, 1 Khawarizmi International College, Al Ain, UAE


Applications of Data Mining in Higher Education - ResearchGate

2012年3月1日  If data mining techniques such as clustering, decision tree and association are applied to higher education processes, it would help to improve students performance, their life cycle management ...


Application of Data Mining Technology in University Education ...

2023年1月12日  University education management has a great impact on the quality of education, so in order to ensure the quality, this paper will focus on data mining technology research, first introduces the basic concept of data mining technology, education management application advantages, and then puts forward the technology application methods.


[PDF] Application of Big Data in Education Data Mining and

2015年7月1日  This study looks into the recent applications of Big Data technologies in education and presents a review of literature available on Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics. The usage of learning management systems in education has been increasing in the last few years. Students have started using mobile phones, primarily smart


(PDF) Data Mining in Education - ResearchGate

2013年1月1日  PDF Applying data mining (DM) in education is an emerging interdisciplinary research field also known as educational data mining (EDM). ... together with specific applications, ...


Application of data mining technology in physical education

2024年5月30日  In order to gain a deeper understanding of how to apply data mining technology in the analysis system of physical education teaching, we conducted a study. Firstly, we analyzed how to use teaching information management platforms and autonomous physical fitness training monitoring systems to collect data related to students' physical education learning.


Applications of Educational Data Mining and

2018年7月24日  Applications of Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics Tools in Handling Big Data in Higher Education: Trends, Issues, and Challenges July 2018 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-76472-6_7


Application of data mining technology in college

2022年8月1日  In order to improve education and teaching methods and meet the “heart” needs of college students in the era of big data, this paper analyzes the application of data mining technology in ...


Application of Data Mining Techniques in Higher Education

Application of Data Mining Techniques in Higher Education (With Special Reference to Improving the Quality) Amit Agnihitri1 Bharat Mishra2 1 Research Scholor, MGCG Vishwavidyalaya, Chitrakoot (MP) 2 Dr. Bharat Mishra, Associate Professor, MGCG Vishwavidyalaya, Chitrakoot (MP) Abstract-Data mining is a powerful analytical tool that


Application of Web Data Mining Algorithms in Information

2023年1月12日  Based on the concept and characteristics of data mining technology, this paper briefly describes the various application fields and important significance of data mining technology in information management, and focuses on the innovative multi field applications of Web Data Mining in optimizing data resources and providing customers with personalized


Application of Data Mining Technology in Sports Data Analysis

Data mining is a deep data analysis method, which can mine useful information from huge data. At present, data mining has been used in various fields. For colleges and universities, the use of data mining technology can analyze and process the relevant sports data, which is helpful to speed up the development of sports information in colleges and universities. This paper


Data mining: Application of digital marketing in education

2023年1月30日  Keywords: data mining, digital marketing, KDD methodology, digital application, big data 1 Introduction Nowadays, it has become essential to process information in a way that allows more ef ficient


Process Mining in Education: Use cases, Pros Cons - AIMultiple

2024年4月29日  AIMultiple shares data-driven insights on how solutions in AI / generative AI / machine learning / data science, cloud / cloud GPUs, cybersecurity / application security / network security / microsegmentation, data collection / web data / survey software, IoT, process mining, RPA / AP automation / workload automation / MFT can transform businesses.


Applications of Educational Data Mining and Learning

Applications of Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics Tools in Handling Big Data in Higher Education . Santosh Ray. 1. and Mohammed Saeed. 1, 1 Khawarizmi International College, Al Ain, UAE


TAM and stages of adoption of blended learning in higher education

2019年6月24日  Through the use of data mining techniques (clustering and decision trees), groupings were made based on the b-learning adoption stage and a subsequent predictive model of these stages. The results show that the intention to use BL is the most important predictor variable in all models applied.

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